2011.02.11 – szkolenie dotyczące WŁĄCZENIA
luty 11, 2011 by Jarek
Kategoria: Wydarzenia
Dostałem od Grażynki informację o możliwym uczestnictwie w szkoleniu dotyczącym WŁĄCZENIU EDUKACYJNEMU, które jest organizowane przez EASPD.
Dear Madam/Sir,
I am very happy to inform you on a 6-days training course organised by the P2i consortium. The course offers a framework for the further development and promotion of inclusive education, as well as hands-on experience in the planning of such an approach starting from the actual situation.
Target group:
- school heads and middle management
- educational guides and counsellors
- inspectors
- administrative staff
- 3rd to 10th October 2011, Lisbon
- 23rd to 28th April 2012, Prague
More information on the course and on the grant application can be found in annex.
Hoping to welcome you in Lisbon or Prague.
Kind regards,
Goedele Avau
Goedele Avau
Research and Development Officer
Oudergemselaan 63
B – 1040 Brussels
+32 2 282 46 12
+32 2 230 72 33
Do pobrania: formularz zgłoszeniowy